Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wildlife fiesta

Wildlife is visible everywhere around Cradle Mountain.  The volume and ease of access to a menagerie of native fauna was something we never expected.  Last night we went out wombat spotting. We counted at least 38 wombats over a two hour period including two youngsters.

We were also visited nightly at our luxury bush cabin by a wave of crafty, begging animals including possums and padamelons.  Our possum visitors included a mother and child. Garry couldn't resist the temptation to share our breakfast fruit.  Possums love bananas and grapes, while padamelons are partial to young pea shoots and other salad greens.

We completed our big five spotting with a visit to Devils@Cradle, a sanctuary and  research centre focused on preserving Tasmanian Devils and very cute, Spotted Quolls.

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