Saturday, May 13, 2006

Clean as a whistle

We've found an excellent cleaner for the house. Patsy is a Jamaican-born woman who cleaned our serviced apartment when we were staying in Little Venice. Finding her has been a real coup.

Garry and I had a terrific cleaner in Australia, one of those people you never want to lose once you find them. Finding an equal in London was always going to be a challenge. Garry successfully convinced Patsy to come and clean for us a few days a week after watching her work at Little Venice. She's delightful. Last week as I was preparing to fly to Munich she stopped for a moment to proudly share some photos of her pre-school son.

Patsy's only been working for two weeks but already you can see the difference. The pile of ironed shirts alone is a huge a relief. Finally, my choice of shirts isn't dictated by what's ironed and what's not.

Talking of cleaning. We took the car to get washed today. It's been sitting under a flowering tree for several days that's shed sticky pollen and flowers by the truckload. The stems and petals were up to five centimetres deep in places. After washing the car we discovered that we've been victims of a classic petty crime. Someone has keyed several panels, damaging the paintwork. Welcome to the big city.

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