Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Great Debate

Source: Guardian newspaper

As volcanic ash throws the UK travel and aviation industry into chaos, the nation's political landscape is also in turmoil. Last week's historic television debate among leaders of the major parties unexpectedly transformed the fortunes of the Liberal Democrats. Polls taken immediately after the television debate declared Nick Clegg, the Lib Dems leader, as the overall 'winner'.

As a result, the Lib Dems, typically the nation's third largest party and the home for traditional protest votes, were vaulted into the limelight. New polls out today suddenly show them overtaking the Labour Party as the UK's second most popular party. Labour is currently the party in Government. Overnight, the Conservatives, currently in opposition, changed their advertising strategy in a desperate attempt to derail the Lib Dem's popularity. The general election just got interesting!

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