Monday, May 29, 2017

Hospital scare

Mum’s had a mild stroke. It came on while she was driving home from Tauranga. As I understand, she started to feel the symptoms while driving over the harbour bridge. I must admit the thought of her having a stroke on a curving motorway at 80kmph is rather unnerving. Even more so after she confessed to driving all the way home before finally stopping and seeking help.

She’s now in the hospital. The doctors have been running tests, dye contrast scans, and monitoring her blood work. It appears that she’s had a minor vascular stroke but should make a full recovery. The doctors have told her that the CRT scan indicates that she’s probably also had a series of micro strokes in the past.

UPDATE: 30 May
Mum has been discharged from hospital. It looks like she’s dodged a bullet.

UPDATE: 2 July
I've read the lab test reports Mum received from the hospital. Evidence of earlier mini strokes was found in the same area where Mum had her recent stroke. However, the doctors have reassured us there's no immediate need for concern as it's quite common in the elderly. Their technical name is a transient ischemic attack (TIA). This term is referenced in her results. Mum also noted this when she showed me them in June. These mini strokes are often missed by the person so it’s no surprise Mum wasn't aware of this until now.

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