Sunday, March 15, 2020

It's life, but not as we know it

Australia appears to be progressively going into lockdown this weekend. Today the Government announced that cruise ships coming from international ports are banned for 30 days. All international visitors arriving after midnight must now go into self-isolation for 14 days. People ignoring these quarantine requirement will face fines of up to $20,000. The police are already enforcing self-isolation where people have ignored medical professionals.

All gatherings of 500 people or more are banned. Major sports events and festivals have subsequently announced cancellations today, following on from a flurry of cancellations on Thursday and Friday. Courts have stopped taking new jury trials until further notice.

Panic buying has emptied more and more aisles at our local Supermarket. People seem to be preparing for increasingly restrictive edicts as infection rates rise nationally. Speculation is growing that non-essential businesses and schools will soon be ordered to close.

The Federal Government has already announced that additional restrictions, covering gatherings in enclosed spaces, are going to be considered by governments on Tuesday evening.

This evening the Federal Government said the Australian pandemic will probably run through our entire winter. This essentially means they’re anticipating significant disruption from now until October.

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