Saturday, May 23, 2020

Get rich quick!

We're super excited this weekend. Our first attempt at growing saffron has resulted in our very first flower of the season. It has three very healthy thread-like stamens.  We met a saffron grower at the Taste of Tasmania Festival in January.  He talked us through the incredibly labour intensive process of growing, harvesting and preparing this aromatic spice.  Currently, a kilo of saffron sells for up to $50,000.  Gold, by comparison, is around $60,000 a kilo.

The grower had packs of ten bulbs for sale. On a whim, we bought a pack, then planted the bulbs in late-March as instructed.  We're delighted to report that all ten have sprouted. Most of them are also generating multiple stems.  Now we just need to grow another 150,000 stamens and we’ll have a kilo of saffron. We'll rich in no time at all. Watch this space!

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, we've been growing two large pots filled with the impressive Sensation Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii). This variation produces giant oversize leaves when fully grown. In another 12 months, it'll be twice as high and almost twice as wide as shown here.  We're enormously proud of how these lilies are flourishing.  They were all grown from seedlings that sprouted when two original plants flowered several years ago.

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