Saturday, December 18, 2021

The final tweak

Almost two decades ago I brought a corner TV cabinet from IKEA. When we moved into Crescent Street we'd always intended to replace it with something more in keeping the new apartment's look and feel.  18 months later we relocated to London and these plans went on hold. At the time the cabinet fitted reasonably well with the look and feel of our home in London.  

However, when we returned to Australia in 2011, the cabinet was once again no longer fit for purpose once we'd refreshed the apartment. For the next decade it became a daily reminder of unfinished business. Last month I finally decided I'd had enough. I searched online and eventually found a suitable, interim replacement.

Garry thought I was mad buying furniture, sight unseen, online. Incredibly the cabinet I bought came from the USA. Remarkably it's survived four weeks of air travel, moving in and out of multiple transit depots before finally arriving this week.  The physical product isn't too bad.  Its finish is a little "cheap" but it's a vast improvement on its predecessor!  What took us so long?

Garry's also gone shopping and bought us a portable car fridge.  He's decided we're doing enough road trips that it's time to ditch the old Eskis and replace them with something that'll keep everything cold without the need to constantly buy bags of ice or refreeze chiller blocks.

Oh yes, I should also give a quick shout-out for the "new" rug. We bought it last year while shopping one afternoon for a microwave to go in our office kitchen. On a whim, we decided the rug we'd brought with us from London was well past its use-by-date. We saw this rug on sale and ultimately came home with it, but no microwave.

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