Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A tribute to endurance

In four week time Garry and I celebrate the second anniversary of our departure from Australia. It’s hard to believe that two years have passed. It feels like only last week that we flew out over Sydney Harbour on our way to a new life in Europe. Memories of our arrival at Paddington Station three months later feel equally fresh. So much has happened since that things blend into a blur. Thank goodness for this blog!

Like any relocation our experience has had its many highs and lows. Garry’s first year was particularly challenging. It took him almost 12 months to find permanent employment. Only in more recent times was he finally able to return to his preferred mode of employment as truly independent contractor. This stability has been a long time coming for Garry – too long I’m sure he would say.

Prospects look increasingly positive for Garry to continue contracting for at least another year. His patience has been legendary through all of these trials. I’m sure I would have been far less patient and understanding. Hopefully the future now looks brighter for both of us as our second year draws to a close.

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