Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thank you for the memories

Rhonda Smith, Garry’s mother, passed away this morning. It’s been a sad time for both of us as we come to terms with losing our respective mothers a few months apart. It’s been a particularly difficult time for Garry. For the last four days, he’s sat with Rhonda through the night, keeping her company, and sharing special memories.

Rhonda celebrated her 79th birthday on Monday. Sadly, she wasn’t conscious as she lay in the hospital. However, in honour of her final milestone, Garry took a small cake into her room and enjoyed a slice in her presence before sharing the remainder with the hospital staff.

This afternoon, the family came together to support Murray and reminisce. We discovered that Rhonda has meticulously maintained annotated photo albums about every family event and milestone for decades. We all knew she’d kept these records, but failed to appreciate just how detailed they were. 

It’s been a precious time looking back over years of wonderful memories. Her first photo of me was taken at a family Christmas dinner in December 2003. At the time, Garry and I were going to New Zealand for Christmas so the Smith family organised an early celebration. 

Garry and I were trying to remember the first time I met Rhonda just a few days ago. I knew it was a family event but couldn't recall the occasion. Thank you for the memories, Rhonda. We’ll miss you dearly.

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